F6/H2/H1 Axiom Application Software Version released
This release fixes an issue experienced with a limited number of Dataloggers with a specific Ubicom telemetry configuration which prevented a successful upgrade to version All changes from that…
F6/H2/H1 Axiom Application Software Version recalled.
This version has been recalled due to an unhandled exception when an Axiom has Ubicom modem Telemetry defined but no push message configured. Version has been reinstated in the…
F6/H2/H1 Axiom Application Software Version released
This release includes the following updates (NEW FEATURE) Ubicom Telemetry Data Transmission Timing Window DL-2476 Bubbler Extension Changes: (NEW FEATURE) Health Data Point Added [DL-2442] (IMPROVEMENT) Purge If Greater Than…
G6 Firmware Update (Version 10.23 & 11.11)
This firmware update contains the following changes: (NEW FEATURE) Minimum random transmission interval (RIN) value reduced to one minute (IMPROVEMENT) Dropped data and changes in transmission schedule caused by conflicts…
AutoCaller/AutoCaller+ Version released
This update contains the following changes: (NEW FEATURE) AutoCaller/AutoCaller+ installation compatible with Windows 10 (NEW FEATURE) FTS Replicator Service for customers using Synoptic software (BUG FIX) Reassigning a Ubicom to…
End of Sale (EoS) notification issued for GOESHopper
Please be advised that End of Sale (EoS) notification has been issued for the GOESHopper. Download the Product Bulletin for further details. Where applicable the replacement product’s part numbers have…
SDI-RADAR Firmware Update (v115)
This update fixes a bug that necessitated the recall of v111 and also includes a new feature” (NEW FEATURE) New SDI-12 Commands to support NOAA distance calculations and set height…
Scheduled NOAA power outage to affect Autocaller/StreamTrac software users
FTS has received notification from NOAA about a planned power outage that will likely stop Autocaller and StreamTrac software from accessing weather data via LRGS GOES if no action is…
AutoCaller/AutoCaller+ Version released
This update contains the following bug fix: (BUG FIX) Alarm Service turns off Download the v. Release Notes Note: A valid login is required to download this licensed software. Once…
F6/H2/H1 Axiom Application Software Version released
This release includes the same features found in version in addition to the bug fix which necessitated its recall See Release Notes for further details. Download the Release Notes…