FTS manufactures a range of high quality sensors for use in remote automated monitoring weather stations. If a system requires a sensor we don’t manufacture, we will integrate a 3rd party sensor, which has been thoroughly tested and is supported by our team of application engineers.
Our customers are provided the benefit of a single source for customer care, and a system that has been designed for reliability in the harshest remote environments and simplicity of operation and maintenance as guiding principles regardless of whose sensor is integrated into our systems.

AWP Gauge
The FTS All Weather Precipitation (AWP) Gauge measures all types of precipitation within a wide temperature range.
Combined Velocity Stage Radar (SDI-RADAR-300WL)
The Combined Velocity Stage Radar (SDI-RADAR-300WL) flow meter uses radar technology to provide precise contactless measurement of surface flow velocity and precise distance (level) measurement from the sensor to the water surface.
DigiBP SDI-12 Barometric Pressure Sensor
The DigiBP SDI-12 barometric pressure sensor is a highly accurate, solid state pressure transducer with a normal operating range of 500 to 1100 hPa.
DigiTemp Water Temperature Sensor
The FTS DigiTemp submersible water temperature sensor is a rugged SDI-12 sensor for measuring the temperature of soil, water or other liquids with scientific- grade accuracy and long-term reliability.
Fuel Temperature and Moisture Sensor
The FTS FS-3 electronic fuel stick sensor is commonly deployed on-site near prescribed burn and wildfire operations. The sensor’s output tracks closely with 10-hour fuel moisture, an invaluable indicator of fire behavior.
Gill Windsonic
Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensors offer an alternative to conventional cup and vane or propeller type wind sensors.
Radar Stage Sensor (SDI-RADAR-LX80)
The FTS Radar Stage Sensor (SDI-RADAR-LX80) incorporates a light weight, IP68 sensor with high accuracy, narrow beam width, and built-in detection algorithms.
Rain Gauge (RG-T)
The rugged, all-metal Rain Gauge (RG-T) is FTS’ take on a simple, proven, mature technology.
The Raine Gauge (SDI-RAINE-HYDRO) is the leader in rain sensor technology.
SD Soil Moisture / Temperature Sensor
The FTS SDI soil sensor is the Stevens Hydra Probe II, which offers a unique advantage over other soil probes by providing an all-in-one, in-situ system that can measure many different parameters simultaneously.
SDI RM Young Alpine Wind Monitor
The FTS SDI RM Young Alpine Wind Monitor is the RM Young 05103-45 wind monitor with the addition of an SDI-12 interface.
SDI RM Young Wind Monitor
The FTS SDI RM Young Wind Monitor is the RM Young 05103 wind monitor with the addition of an SDI-12 interface.
Solar Radiation Sensors
The SDI-SR-PYR is a pyranometer that measures total light available (global sun plus sky radiation).
Submersible Pressure Transducer
The Submersible PT is a high-accuracy submersible pressure transducer.
Surface Velocity Radar (SDI-RADAR-300W)
The Surface Velocity Radar (SDI-RADAR-300W) flow meter uses radar technology to provide precise contactless measurement of surface flow velocity.
Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Select from a variety of high quality, robust, and accurate temperature and humidity sensors. Each is housed in a durable solar radiation shield.