ProductProduct Code/sStatus
Axiom F6 DataloggerF6-G6, F6-G6-TLM, F6-TLM-2Current
Axiom H2 DataloggerH2-G6, H2-G6-TLM, H2-TLM-2Current
Axiom H1 DataloggerH1R-G6-TLM, H1RS-G6-TLM, H1-TLM-2Current
LT1 (CELL/GOES) Logging TransceiverLT1-CELL, LT1-CELL-VZCurrent
HDL1-G5 DataloggerHDL1, HDL1-G5End of Life
FWS-12S DataloggerFWS-12SEnd of Life
FWS-12 DataloggerFWS-12End of Life
FWS-11 Datalogger
FWS-11End of Life
WR62 DataloggerWR-62End of Life
ProductProduct Code/sStatus
AWP All Weather Precipitation GaugeSDI-AWP-200,400,225,425Current
AQT-4XX SDI-12 Air Quality SensorSDI-AQTCurrent
DigiBP (SDI-BP-1) SDI-12 Barometric Pressure SensorDigiBPCurrent
DigiTemp Submersible Temperature SensorDigiTempCurrent
DTS-12 Turbidity SensorDTS-12Current
Fuel StickFS-3-1; Current
Gill Ultrasonic Wind SensorSDI-UWS-GILLCurrent
Radar Stage SensorRADAR-SDI; RADAR-SDI-DISPCurrent
SDI-RADAR-81 Radar Stage SensorSDI-RADAR-81Current
Rain Gauge (Tipping Bucket)RG-T, RG-T-QD, RG-T-TRICurrent
Rain Gauge (Tipping Bucket) - HeatedRG-E12-20, RG-E12-20-TRI, RG-E12-30Current
Solar Radiation SensorSDI-SR-PYRCurrent
SR50A Snow Depth SensorSDI-SR50Discontinued
FTS Submersible Pressure TransducerSDI-PT-SS-KEL; SDI-PT-TT-KELCurrent
Submersible Pressure TransducerSDI-PTCurrent
RMYoung Ultrasonic Wind SensorCurrent
SDI RMYoung Wind MonitorSDI-WS-RMYCurrent
Temperature / Humidity SensorTHS-3-1Current
H-3535 Water Level - BubblerCurrent
Pluvio 2 All Season Rain GaugeCurrent
RLS-1 Water Level - Radar Level SensorCurrent
S-HPII SDI Soil Moisture / TemperatureCurrent
TS-2-1 Air TemperatureCurrent
WD-023 Heavy Duty Analog Wind Direction SensorCurrent
WDM-30 Analog Wind Direction SensorCurrent
WS-013 Heavy Duty Analog Wind Speed SensorCurrent
WSM-30 Analog Wind Speed SensorCurrent
ProductProduct Code/sStatus
RAOS & PTZCurrent
ProductProduct Code/sStatus
Eon CS2 GOES AntennaCurrent
GOES Yagi AntennaGOES-ANTENNACurrent
ProductProduct Code/sStatus
Tri-leg TowerCurrent
Fixed RAWS: Tri-leg Tower Setup in 12 Easy Steps12128Current
TRI-LEG Tower Winch User Guide19831Current
Tri-leg Grounding KitTRILEG-GND-KITCurrent
20' RAWS RMY Lightning Rod KitRAWS-20FT-RMY-LIGHTNING KITCurrent
ProductProduct Code/sStatus
SDI ISCO Auto Sampling InterfaceSDI-ISCO-INTERFACECurrent
SDI-AM 4 Channel Analog Input ModuleSDI-AMCurrent
NameVersionRelease DateCategoryStatus
Device Firmware Updater USB (includes G5/G6 WNRO)
Device Firmware Updater PC (G5/G6 WNRO)2021/05/18Utility
Remote DisplayUtility