Service Bulletin: AutoCaller/StreamTrac – Software Patch for GOES downloads

Service Bulletin: AutoCaller/StreamTrac – Software Patch for GOES downloads

As a result of the NOAA LRGS server security requirements change implemented on 9 August 2016 we have now been able to test and confirm that an AutoCaller/StreamTrac software patch must be installed before Wednesday, 17 August 2016 when NOAA will start enforcing authentication using a SHA-256 password hash. The software patch for AutoCaller Version…

Service Bulletin: NOAA LRGS Password Implementation Plan “UPDATE”

Service Bulletin: NOAA LRGS Password Implementation Plan “UPDATE”

This is applicable to AutoCaller/StreamTrac users who download GOES data. Effective 0800 EDT, 9 August, the Wallops LRGSs will be configured to enforce the new IT Security password requirements. They will however not enforce the new SHA-256 password requirements until 0800 EDT, 17 August. Please see links below for details and instructions to prevent your…

Service Bulletin: AutoCaller/StreamTrac – NOAA LRGS Password Implementation Plan

Service Bulletin: AutoCaller/StreamTrac – NOAA LRGS Password Implementation Plan

Please be advised that NOAA will be implementing a new LRGS password requirement which becomes effective on July 12, 2016. Currently you are able to download GOES data from the LRGS servers by entering your LRGS UserID and no password. On July 12th, you will no longer be able to log on without a password…